mardi 16 juin 2009

My first ever blog (here)

The first thing I will need to do is to get better titles for these things as this one is quite lame. In fact, I cannot guarantee that anything I write will not be lame. But here is hoping that once in a while, something interesting will popup and that maybe someday I'll get some money for something I've written.

I've been doing a lot of writing in my life, mostly for school but on occasion just for fun. With time, I received compliments on what I wrote which at first made me blush and disregard them, but their repetition has made me believe that at least some where honest. This is what leads me now to this blog. Of course, rather than a traditional web log, this will be more a forum for debate on my poor, misled Canadian society or a place to publish random articles or short stories which are not shown elsewhere. Let's see how it goes! Of course please leave feedback!

Your typing servant,


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